What is EB?
Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) is a rare disease whereby the skin blisters and peels at the slightest touch. Living with EB has been likened to living with third degree burns. It is very painful, and sufferers must be bandaged every day with dressings to protect and medicate their wounds.
For more information check out What is EB?

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Latest News
Inside a family’s experience of living with EB
Sofia has recessive dystrophic EB. Sofia’s parents have not only risen to the challenge of caring for a child with EB since the birth of Sofia, but also followed their dream of having a [...]
EB Awareness Week 2024
Thank You For Joining Us Thank you for joining us in raising awareness for Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) during #EBAwarenessWeek2024! Your support, shares, and voices have amplified the message, bringing hope and visibility to the [...]
Bubbles and Butterflies Ladies Luncheon a Success
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